Do you want to open up your heart and reflect on what God has done, what He is currently doing, and what He will do in your life? Then, quickly go grab a pen, open up a journal and get ready to journal away. While journaling may not be everyone’s cup of tea, using a journal to keep track of God’s work in your life, write down your most sincere thoughts to God, and reflect on different areas of your life can be very helpful in your Christian journey. So, whether you’re starting a Christian-based journal, are looking for insightful christian journal prompts, or simply need motivation to journal, today I’m going to share 50 fun christian journal prompts that you will love!

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- Choose a journal prompt from the list and write in your journal every morning.
- Use one of the journal prompts from the list during prayer. Instead of sharing your thoughts on paper, share your thoughts with God.
- Choose a journal prompt and illustrate your answer/reflection.
- Write down all 50 christian journal prompts on different pieces of paper, place them inside a jar, and randomly choose a prompt to write every day.
- Choose a journal prompt and share your reflection on social media for 50 days.
If you enjoy journal prompts, here is a collection of journal prompts on my lifestyle blog:
- 30 Gratitude Journal Prompts That Will Inspire You
- 100 Self-Discovery Journal Prompts For A New You
- 25 Insightful Journal Prompts For Bloggers
- 100 Journal Prompts – Favorite Things In Life
Grab Christian Calendar For The Soul
This aesthetic printable christian calendar includes 12 unique calendar pages to plan your entire year. This printable calendar is perfect for christians who want to plan special events, tasks, and goals on a christian based calendar. Each calendar page includes an undated monthly spread, a unique but inspirational bible verse, and an aesthetic photograph to inspire you. Click here to learn more! (AD)
Below I’m sharing 50 insightful christian journaling prompts that will help you reflect on important biblical topics, understand where you are in your relationship with God, and express how you feel about personal topics. Use these christian journal prompts to explore your heart, dive into scripture, and talk to God more in prayer.
1. What is your all-time favorite Bible verse?
2. Which Bible character inspires you the most?
3. What is your favorite book in the Bible?
4. Who is your female bible character? And why?
5. Who is your favorite male bible character? And why?
6. What is your favorite way to connect with God?
7. What do you enjoy most about praying?
8. Who is Jesus in your life? What does he mean to you?
9. List all the ways you like to spend time with God.
10. Why do you follow Jesus?
11. What do you enjoy most about reading the Bible?
12. Describe Jesus in 3 words.
13. What is the biggest miracle you have experienced/witnessed?
14. Reflect back to the day you came to Jesus.
15. What battles has God helped you face and overcome?
16. What battles are you still struggling with?
17. Write down three things you want God to do in your life.
18. What is the best thing God has given you?
19. List 10 blessings in your life.
20. What areas in your life do you need God to work in?
21. How is your relationship with God at the moment?
22. What is your favorite thing about being in God’s presence?
23. What is your favorite Psalm?
24. Write down the most rewarding thing about following Christ.
Don’t go just yet! Here are 25 more journal prompts that you need to try!
25. Write down the hardest thing about following Christ.
26. What are some of the gifts God has blessed you with?
27. Where do you see yourself in 5 years with God?
28. What is your favorite miracle in the Bible?
29. What is your favorite story in the Bible?
30. Which biblical story has impacted you the most?
31. What has God been teaching you lately?
32. Who do you want to pray for? Write down prayer requests.
33. What Christian song do you enjoy listening to the most?
34. What Christian song expresses your love for God?
35. Reflect back to all the prayers God has answered. Which answer surprised you the most?
36. What does being a Christian mean to you?
37. When do you feel closest to God?
38. When do you feel distant from God?
39. List 10 things that God has done in your life that you’re grateful for.
40. What is your best advice you can give to a new Christian?
41. What are some sins, bad habits, or burdens you need to turn over to God?
42. Describe God’s love for you in one word.
43. Which bible character can you relate to the most?
44. What is the hardest lesson you have learned in God?
45. What is your favorite biblical name?
46. If you could live during biblical time periods, which period would that be?
47. List your top 10 favorite bible characters.
48. Who do you still need to forgive?
49. What does God’s forgiveness mean to you?
50. How is God present in your daily life?
Grab Your Free 50 Fun Christian Journal Prompts Printable!
Do you want to keep these christian journal prompts with you at all times? I got you! I created a stunning printable with all 50 fun christian journal prompts. Just subscribe in the form below to download it!

Grab The Ultimate Christian Planner!
Live everyday to the fullest by living it with intention, good goals, a clear plan, and most importantly, with Jesus by your side. This incredible 210 page Ultimate Christian Planner includes a variety of undated Christian-based planning pages. Click here to learn more! (AD)
I hope you enjoy these 50 fun christian journal prompts and use them in your next journaling session. Let me know in the comments below which christian journal prompt from this massive list you liked the most. Are there other christian journaling prompts you would add to the list? Feel free to share your own journal prompts with me. Also, let me know if you would like to see more christian-based journaling posts.
More Posts You May Like:
- 50 Biblical Affirmations That Will Change Your Life
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- 20 Creative Christian Bullet Journal Theme Ideas
Sending you blessings & love,
Gabby Abigail
Greetings from Cape Town, South Africa.
Thank you for the free prompts, I look forwards to reading them out and writing my answers.
You’re so welcome! Thank you for reading.
I appreciate the free props. I feel blessed to be in a church now where the pastor recognizes my credentials, and most important in my talents. And I’m praying that I could do the best, especially for the women at the church Bible study and writing, etc. Thank you so much and God bless and keep you.!