Hi there, friend!
Are you in need of prayer? That’s what prayer requests are for!
1 Timothy 2:1 says, “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people.”
At EquationOfHope, we believe that no matter how big your problem is, how difficult your situation is, or how hurt you are, prayer has the power to heal it all.
If life has been throwing curve balls at you, we’re here to intercede for you.
It doesn’t matter:
- who you are,
- where you come from, or
- how your relationship with God is at the moment,
we want to pray for you.
Use the form below to send in your prayer requests and we will add your request to our prayer requests list. NOTE: this is a judgement free zone, so don’t hold back! 🙂
PS: After adding you to our prayer list and praying for you for a few weeks, we will contact you via email to check up on you and see how you’re doing 🙂
Please know that you’re NOT alone (at least not anymore)
We’re here to pray and support you, so use this section of Equation Of Hope to release your worries and open your heart. God wants to hear from you and we want to pray for you.